
Fabrication Chapter 25 (Ruby Rose x Male Reader)

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A/N: Volume 5 everyone! Thank you for reading, commenting, and favoriting!           

        You ran through an endless green field, hand in hand with Ruby. You looked over to her, grinning as she was equally jubilant. The two of you continued to run through the field, feeling the breeze on your face, the warm sun on your skin, and the soft grass caressing your legs.

            You both finally collapsed on the grass, next to each other, giggling uncontrollably. You stopped and looked over to Ruby as she turned to look at you.

            “I love you Ruby” you said. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”

            “I love you too (Y/N)” Ruby responded, squeezing your hand playfully. “But you know we have to do this. We have to save the academies.”

            “Yeah you’re right” you acknowledged sadly. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this. I never meant to hurt you or anyone else.”

            “Except Ozpin” she corrected.

            “Except Ozpin” you chuckled.

            “And those people on the freeway that you threatened when we all fought” she added.

            “Heh, y-yeah, them too” you said.

            “And my uncle-” she began.

            “Yeah I get what you mean” you interjected. “It’s just…I’m sorry. If I could change it all, I would.”

            “It’s okay (Y/N)” she said with a small smile. “I forgi-”

            “Hey kid can’t you read the sign?!” you heard a voice suddenly shout, snapping you out of your dream. “It says ‘no loitering’!” You turned your head to see who was speaking and you saw a grizzled old man, probably the owner of the shop you were currently leaning against.

            “Yeah yeah I’m leaving” you dismissed, waving your hand. You stepped away from the wall of the shop and walked down an alley. You had finally made it to Mistral, but the journey was not without loss.

            You traced your index finger over the rough scar tissue that ran across your eye. You were reminded of your fight with Mari, as she left a crescent-shaped scar across your right eye, reminiscent of your old mask.

            You walked through the lower levels of Mistral, plagued by thieves, crooks, and other low lives. These past few days, you’ve been trying to scrounge together any money possible, just to simply get by. However, many other inhabitants of the lower levels had a similar goal.

            “Hey kid” you heard a new voice say. “Hand over all your lien, now!” You sighed as you turned around to see a young faunus girl, not too much older than you, holding you at gunpoint.

            “Do you not see the giant sword on my back?” you wondered, gesturing to your greatsword. “Usually that’s a sign to leave me alone.”

            “S-shut up!” she ordered. “Just give me all of your lien! Right now!” You rolled your eyes as you walked closer to the robber. “What are you doing?! Are you trying to get shot?!”

            “No” you responded simply. You reached over to her gun and she tried to pull the trigger but nothing happened. You pointed to a little switch on the side of her weapon. “The safety’s engaged moron.” She immediately tried to flip the switch on the side but you simply grabbed her wrist and punched her across the face, knocking her to the ground.

            You held the gun in your hand as she looked up at you with fear in her eyes. “Find a new hobby” you commanded, readjusting your grip on the gun so it rested on your upturned palm. You activated your semblance, crushing the weapon and turning it into a useless hunk of metal. You turned around and walked away, tossing it over your shoulder.

            You turned the corner of the alley and onto a main walkway. ‘I wonder how long ago they got here? Have they talked with Lionheart? Did they-’

            “Um excuse me” you heard a young male voice say from behind you.

            “Oh my god does no one see the sword?!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. You turned to see a young boy in white shirt and orange overalls. He had messy black hair and hazel colored eyes. “Listen buddy I’m gonna say just right now, if you want my money, it’s not gonna go well for you.”

            “W-what? N-no, that’s not it!” he said waving his hands, clearly surprised by your reaction.

            “Then what is it?” you inquired, leaning in closer to get a better look at him. You noticed that there was something…different about him.

            “I’ve…been told to ask for your assistance” he reluctantly answered.

            “Told by whom?” you questioned crossing your arms.

            “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” the boy muttered.

            “Try me” you said.


            “HELLO?” Ruby called into the empty hallway of Haven Academy.

            “Maybe try…louder?” Nora suggested, walking next to her. After their long journey, the group had finally made it to Haven. They were now attempting to contact the headmaster, Leonardo Lionheart.

            “There doesn’t seem to be anyone here” Ren observed, looking around.

            “Well, I guess school isn’t really in session right now” Jaune said. “Maybe that’s it?”

            “No, this isn’t right…” Qrow breathed before motioning them forward. “Come on.” They quickly jogged down the hall and to a set large wooden double doors. Qrow stopped before them, quickly unsheathing his weapon as the rest of the group followed suit. “Get ready. It could be trouble” he ordered. He narrowed his eyes as he raised his leg to kick open the door. However to his surprise, the door was suddenly opened from the other side, revealing an older man with long gray hair.

            “AH!” the man shouted as he threw his hands in the air. The group had a similar surprised reaction as Qrow fell to the ground and the stranger fainted.

            “Uh…Professor Lionheart?” Ruby asked the collapsed man. He slowly sat up, breathing heavily and clutching his chest.

            “QROW! For crying out loud, you nearly scared me half to death!” Lionheart exclaimed.

            “Me?” Qrow inquired standing up. “Why weren’t you waiting for us at the entrance?”

            “Huh?” Lionheart questioned as he pulled out a pocket watch and gazed at it. “OH, right. Apologies, I guess time slipped away from me.”

            “You’re joking” Qrow sighed.

            “Where is everybody?” Nora asked, as everyone else put their weapons away.

            “Ah, you must be the students Qrow mentioned” the headmaster said, finally acknowledging their presence. “A pleasure to meet you all. Leonardo Lionheart, at your service. I was told there were going to be five of you, erm, where is the last one?”

            “Well…we, uh, sorta had a misunderstanding” Nora answered slowly.

            “Good riddance” Jaune muttered under his breath, making Ruby look at him worriedly.

            “I see” Lionheart replied. “Well, I’m afraid most of my staff is currently away until classes resume, but-”

            “What?!” Qrow demanded. “Leo, you can’t be serious. Who’s guarding the relic?!”

            Lionheart’s eyes moved over to the students. “Qrow!” he whispered harshly. “The children-”

            “Already know” he interjected. “I filled them in. What do you mean-”


            “You’re Ozpin?” you said raising an eyebrow. “Last I remember, Ozpin was an old guy with gray hair and glasses.”

            “I told you that you wouldn’t believe me” so-called Ozpin said. “But I’m not Ozpin, not exactly. My name is Oscar Pine and Ozpin is sorta…in my head….”

            You stood there for a moment, thinking about what he just said. “I’m leaving” you concluded, turning around.

            “W-wait!” Oscar called after you, grabbing your arm.

            “Listen kid, I deal with killers, monsters, and myself” you explained. “But I do not do crazy.” You promptly pulled your arm away from his grasp and continued walking.

            “He’s proud of what you did” Oscar said making you stop in your tracks. “That you made the decision to fight for what’s right and not be Salem’s puppet….” You spun on your heels and marched over to him. You lifted him up by the collar of his shirt to eye level.

            “Who the hell are you?” you interrogated.

            “Are you sure you want this guy?” Oscar muttered to himself.

            ‘This kid can’t be…no…it’s impossible’ you thought, looking into his eyes. ‘Cinder killed him, but….’

            “I already told you” he answered. “My name is Oscar Pine but Professor Ozpin now lives in my head. I don’t know how it works, but it just does, okay? Now can you please put me down?”

            You sighed as you set him back on the ground. “Alright” you said. “Start from the beginning….”


            “Well Qrow I’ve got to hand it to you. With these coordinates, we can mount a retrieval force and head out in a few weeks” Lionheart congratulated as he turned off the hologram projection created by his desk.

            “A few weeks?” Qrow questioned in disbelief.

            “That’s right” Lionheart affirmed as he walked behind his desk and sat down.      

    “Leo, maybe you didn’t hear me. My sister has the Spring Maiden and I know where she is” Qrow said, slamming his hands on Lionheart’s desk. He promptly threw his hands across the desk, knocking various papers and books to the floor. “We need to go as soon as possible!”

    “And perhaps you didn’t hear me” Lionheart retorted. “The kingdom is in shambles. As soon as possible does not mean tomorrow. It means as soon as I can convince the rest of the council that I need huntsmen more than they do! Unfortunately, bandit tribes aren’t very high on their list of ‘priorities’ when the threat of war is just on the horizon.”

    “Then damn the council” Qrow replied. “We’ll do it ourselves. You and I are trained hunstmen, and these kids aren’t exactly pushovers.”

    “M-maybe we could find (Y/N) for help?” Ruby suggested quietly. “Technically, he fought all of team RWBY by himself.”

    Jaune quickly turned to her. “What?!” he exclaimed. “You want to ask a liar and a killer to help us?!”

    “I think he’s changed” Ruby responded. “He seemed to genuinely regret what he did. I think he deserves a second chance….”

    “Ruby he lied to y-” Jaune began but was quickly interrupted by Ren.

    “Perhaps there’s a more peaceful way to approach this?” Ren suggested, trying to change the subject.

    “We need to get Spring as far away from her as possible” Qrow explained. “But Raven isn’t going to give up her most prized possession without a fight.”

    “Unfortunately, you and your sister are evenly matched and I’m not the fighter I used to be” Lionheart dismissed. “No offense, but these students and I can’t take on an entire bandit tribe and a maiden that’s no doubt had years to hone her skills. We need to be positive we can apprehend Spring, because if we fail, Raven and her tribe will scatter and we’ll be lost. We get one shot at this. And it needs to be perfect.”

    Qrow sighed as he realized that the headmaster was right. “You know Oz wouldn’t be happy with any of this if he were here” Qrow said, crossing his arms.

    “Perhaps you’re right” Lionheart replied. “But he’s not and I’m doing the very best I can.”

    “What about Cinder?” Jaune asked as he tightened his fist. “She came with Emerald and Mercury from Haven. Do you have anything on them?”

    “We pulled their files after the fall of Beacon” he explained. “Nothing but lies and forgeries.”

    “Well, I can’t say this has been a warm reunion Leo” Qrow sighed.

    “I’m sorry” Lionheart apologized. “I know you’ve all traveled a long way. But I will do everything I can to help.”

    “Sure” Qrow stated bluntly. “We’ll stay in the city for the time being. Local comms are still up. Keep in touch. C’mon kids.” Qrow then turned around and walked out the set of double doors, followed by the rest of the group, save Ruby.

    She lingered in the doorway for a bit before speaking. “It was nice meeting you, Professor” she called.

    “Likewise” Lionheart responded.


    Jaune, Nora, and Ren relaxed in the living room of the house that they were currently living at. Jaune draped his arm over the back of one of the couches, looking up at the ceiling. Qrow had told them to not get into trouble before he left to probably go to some cheap bar a couple hours ago. Suddenly a knock came on the door, making them all perk up, wondering who it could be. Was it Qrow? Was it Lionheart? Or worse, was it an enemy?

    They immediately assumed the latter as Jaune slowly made his way the door. He cautiously placed his hand on the doorknob and turned it. He pulled open the door to reveal a young boy with messy black hair looking rather uncomfortable.

    Jaune looked back to Nora and Ren who shrugged, unsure of who he was or what he wanted. “Can I…help you?” Jaune wondered, tilting his head.

    “Umm…” the stranger began. “Yeah. Is there a…Ruby Rose here?”

    Ren and Nora immediately stood up, ready to confront this strange boy. “Why?” Nora demanded bluntly.

    “Well…”he trailed off.

    Suddenly Qrow appeared from the side happily swaying back and forth and placing his hands on the young boy’s shoulders. “Ha-ha-ha I found him!” Qrow laughed jubilantly. He pushed past the kid and stumbled to one of the couches before collapsing. “I found him” he added, out of breath.

    “I think her uncle could use some help?” the boy said gesturing to the drunken man.

    “What is going on out there?!” Ruby shouted, storming out of her room and walking into the living room. “Can’t a girl read her comics in peace?!” She quickly noticed her uncle, giggling on the couch and sighed. She slapped her hand to her face. “Qrow, did you get drunk again?”

    “Maybe” he chuckled.

    “Oh” the boy said, taking notice of Ruby’s presence. “You…have silver eyes.”

    “Who…are you?” Ruby inquired.

    “Uh…” he hesitated. “Well…my name is Oscar Pine. But you probably know me as….”

    “Professor Ozpin” you finished, leaning against the doorway.  They all gasped at both your surprise appearance and the new information just relayed to them.

    “Ha hah! I did it!” Qrow exclaimed, throwing both fists in the air in a victory pose.

    “(Y/N)...” Ruby breathed, almost relieved to see your face.

    Jaune immediately reached behind the couch and pulled out his sword. “What are you doing here?” he demanded, tightening his grip on his weapon.

    “Guys please listen to me” you said raising your hands defensively.

    “Why should we?” Nora inquired, narrowing her eyes.

     “I know what you may think about me right now” you said, taking steps towards them. “But please, believe me when I say that I’m a different person. I just want to help those I care about…and love….” You looked over to Ruby who stood in a stunned silence.

    She slowly walked towards you. “Ruby don’t! You can’t trust him!” Jaune shouted.

    She came within inches of you as she looked up at you. She looked deep into your eyes as you stared back, unsure of how she was going to react. She reached her hand up to your eye, gently tracing the new crescent shaped scar across it. To your surprise she then wrapped you in a tight embrace. “I believe you” she said as tears began to fall. “I missed you….”

    You hugged her back. “I missed you too” you whispered.

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StarryGull's avatar

when did Y/N beat team RWBY?